Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Son of Durotan [ Shaman ]

"I welcome the Wolf-Brother in you"

A powerful group of warrior-shamans calling themselves the Sons of Durotan frequently raid the Alliance opposition in Alterac Valley.  The Sons wreck havoc on those who defile the sacred valley which is the resting place of their hero, Durotan.  Honoring the power of Durotan's wolf with ferocity and cunning; these soldiers of Alterac have since struck out from the valley and gather together to defeat the Legion--a task they thoroughly enjoy almost as much as killing Alliance soldiers.

This set started off with the acquisition of the shoulders which I immediately fell in love with.  From there, putting the pieces together was an easy task except for the helm which I have fallen back on an old favorite.  I have not included a cloak in this transmog, but any that have white with dark coloring will do well.  Additionally, my own personal transmogrification has the artifact weapons look like the Garden Sickles ( acquired from your Garrison in Draenor) which looks awesome with the rest of the outfit.

Mask of the Speaker (Shaman Quest: Slaves of the Firelord)
Thundercrush Pauldrons (Wrath of Azshara - Eye of Azshara)
Chestguard of Inscrutability (Quest: Elementary! in Mount Hyjal)
Spiritwalker's Legguards (Alizabal - Baradin Hold)
Marauding Grips of Hrafsir (Quest: Wings of Liberty in Stormheim)
Belt of the Blood Nova (Deathbringer's Cache - Heroic Icecrown Citadel)
Runesworn Boots (Quest: Regal Remains - Stormheim)

Like with most Tauren transmogrifications; no bracers are needed with this transmog.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Fel-Touched Shadow [ Priest ]

"Without the Void there is no Light"

The Shadow Priest slowly succumbs to insanity by harnessing the energy of the Void--a small price to pay for awesome powers.  The Shadow Priest knows that without darkness there can be no light, without insanity there can be no sanity.  While most Taurens shun the powers of darkness there are few who celebrate the Void in the darkened corners of Mulgore and work to preserve the balance of light and dark.

Purple is the main color usually associated with Shadow Priests; but by adding a touch of green we bring them into the Legion expansion quite nicely.  The mantle, the robes, and even the belt can also be found in the treasures available when completing the Shipyard quests in your Warlord's Garrison.  It may take a while, but doing those quests alongside group runs through Hellfire Citadel may help you get these items quickly.

Mantle of Unrestrained Contempt (Tyrant Velhari - Hellfire Citadel)
Robes of Necrotic Whispers (Brackenspore - Highmaul)
Cobalt-Threaded Gloves (Quest: Corrosion Prevention in Dustwallow Marsh)
Phantasmal Cummerbund (Shadow-Lord Iskar - Hellfire Citadel)
Whitewater Safety Blanket (Quest: Moozy's Adventure in Highmountain)

No head, bracers, pants, or feet are needed with this transmog.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Jade Mist [ Monk ]

"The Jade Serpent is my guide, and the mists of Pandaria are my power"

Training for a long time in the monasteries of Pandaria; the monk becomes a master at not only delivering fatal blows to their opponents but also healing their allies as well.  Channeling the powers of the mist is a time consuming study but a skill that ultimately is vital to the world of Azeroth as champions face menace after terrifying menace in order to protect the world.

Transmogrification is best when you mix things up a bit.  I usually start with the shoulders and work out from there.  The shoulders might be a bit difficult to get but well worth it.  All of the other items will be easy comparatively.  While I used this certain cloak, anything with a bit of red in it to help visually connect the boots and belt can be used.  Alternatively, no helm is really needed with this transmog considering most of them do not go with the overall outfit.

The real magic of this transmogrification comes when the shoulders flare up: the medallions come out with a blue-green tinted mist and greenish flame dances on the arms when the medallions go back in.  Its breathtaking.

Runic Leather Headband (Leatherworking - 290 skill)
Flamebender's Shoulderguards (Flamebender Ka'graz - Mythic Blackrock Foundry)
Skarvald's Dragonskin Habergeon (Boss Drop in Utgarde Keep)
Shaggy Wyrmleather Leggings (Scourgelord Tyrannus - Pit of Saron)
Heart Grippers (Quest: Doin' De E'ko Magic in Winterspring)
Grievous Gladiator's Waistband of Cruelty (1 Mark of Honor in Mists of Pandaria)
Warhide Footpads (Leatherworking - 700 skill)
Giant's Handkerchief (Drop from Drugon the Frostblood in Legion)

No bracers are needed with this transmog.

Patch 7.1.5 is Here!

The new patch is here, and while we do not have access to flying yet there are several things to be excited about.

Micro Holidays.  If you like holidays as much as I do we have a lot to celebrate!  Now we can participate in a number of smaller events such as Hatching of the Hippogryphs, Spring Balloon Festival, and the Thousand Boat Bash.  Check the ingame calendar for when the events start.

Brawler's Guild.  The Brawler's Guild is always fun.  It is a way to test you skill and ability.  Besides some more shirts to grab there is also a battle pet available as well.  Look for your invitation in Emissary bags or by duking it out with the elite vrykul of Shield’s Rest in Stormheim

Mists of Pandaria Timewalking.  I love the timewalking events--its a chance to get to go back to some fun dungeons.  However, the most exciting part is what to do with those tokens.  Two new toys, two new pets, and a mount will be available.  Its also a chance to get some of those transmog items you may have missed.

Alt Artifact Knowledge Help.  Visit your Artifact Knowledge researcher in your Class Order Hall to purchase Artifact Knowledge to send to your alts to help level them up quicker.  The purchase is for 1000 resources and can quickly level up your alts knowledge up to level 20.

Still no flying, but we have the next patch to look forward to for that.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Ogrimmar Champion [ Warrior ]

The people of Ogrimmar look up to me...so yeah, I got that going for me which is nice."

Protecting the capital city of the Horde is a honor for many heroes.  Many have withstood the Alliance assaults on the city with ferocity and cunning over the years; adding to the word-fame of the Horde while not usually travelling very far from home.  It is these, the champions of the city, that songs are sung about by the common man in the taverns around Ogrimmar.

A mix of Wrath of the Lich King and Warlords of Draenor is possible, and what comes out is quite interesting to look at.  Getting these items requires a bit of work in the Trial of the Crusader as well as playing around in Warlords...a bit of work if you don't have these items already but not dreadfully boring as you wait for the next patch in the current expansion.  This lightweight transmogrification looks a bit rustic and barbaric; a vision of the Horde that has persevered throughout the expansions.

As an interesting note, Baine Bloodhoof wears this belt which seems to have the Horde symbol on it.

Vicious Pyrium Helm (Blacksmithing - 525 skill)
Sunreaver Defender's Pauldrons (Champions' Cache - Trial of the Crusader 10N)
Blackrock Chestplate (Level 2 Warmill in the Garrison)
Blackrock Legplates (Level 2 Warmill in the Garrison)
Gauntlets of Bitter Reprisal (Anub'arak - Trial of the Crusader 25N)
Belt of the Impaler (Gormok the Impaler - Trial of the Crusader)
Lunarlight Plate Stompers (Quest: Circle the Wagon in Warlord's Shadowmoon Valley)
Grizzled Wolfskin Cloak (Grizzlemaw - Warlord's Nagrand)