Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Feral Hunter [ Hunter ]

"Some hunters like to spend time in the wild...that's cute.  I am the wild."

While some prefer to live in luxury and contentment in the major cities of the Horde; others prefer to live in the wilds and hard-to-reach places of the world.  To survive in the wilds of Azeroth is to test their skills and abilities and to conquer nature while becoming part of it at the same time.

This hunter transmogrification puts together several looks to emulate what a hunter might look like in the lands of Azeroth.  Rustic, barbaric, and quite feral, this set imagines what a hunter who doesn't get to town often might look like after several years of living in the dangerous wilderness.  It mixes several items, most notably the Warsong collection found in your Garrison in Warlords with other items from different expansions.

Rylakstalker's Headguard (Kromog - Mythic Blackrock Foundry)
Netherbranded Shoulderpads (Gul'dan - Raid Finder The Nighthold)
Warsong Wraps (Level 2 Warmill in the Garrison)
Bracers of the Pristine Purifier (Mythic Siege of Ogrimmar)
Warsong Leggings (Level 2 Warmill in the Garrison)
Gazlowe's Grips (Quest WANTED: Cap'n Garvey in Northern Barrens)
Belt of the Blood Nova (Deathbringer's Cache - Heroic Icecrown Citadel)
Warsong Boots (Level 2 Warmill in the Garrison)
Dreamwalker's Cloak (Val'sharah World Quests Reward)

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Happy Winter Veil!

Greatfather Winter is on his way to bring gifts to the Horde and Alliance!  A very happy Winter Veil; may your eggnog be tasty, your Auction House items sell, and your presents underneath the tree be wondrous.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Ursoc's Revenge [ Druid ]

"The Bear God shall be avenged."

The loss of Ursoc from Azeroth was a blow that many druids felt.  When he was corrupted in the Emerald Dream many druids pledged to bring down the Great Corrupter himself, Xavius, and showed no mercy for him or his followers.  Still, the loss of the Bear God has tormented many of his most adamant of followers, many of which have gone feral in grief.

Minimal and savage; this transmogrification for a Guardian Druid shows strength, power, and honors the spirit of Ursoc.  No shirt is used in this transmogrification which helps emphasize raw feral power.  The Claws of Ursoc fit perfectly into this outfit; easily matching the glow in the shoulders and the boots for, you know, when you aren't in Bear form.  The eyepatch helps lend to a dangerous feeling to the entire outfit although going without headgear looks good as well.

Winterfin Patch of Honor (30 Winterfin Clams - Borean Tundra)
Titan-Forged Spaulders of Triumph (Wintergrasp Quartermaster)
The Butcher's Apron (Hannval the Butcher - Stormheim)
Sludge Resistant Waders (Kormrok - Hellfire Citadel in Warlords)
Cragsman Gloves (Shadowmoon Valley Treasure Drop)
Belt of Misconceived Loyalty (Heroic Shadow-Lord Iskar)
Wrathful Gladiator's Boots of Triumph (Toravon the Ice Watcher - Vault of Archavon)
Tribal Unification Cloak (Legion Drop or Highmountain World Quest Reward)

No bracers and no shirt are needed for this transmog

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Celestial Guardian [ Monk ]

"White Tiger watch over us"

Monks are well known for their mystic and deadly abilities on the battleground.  Many years of training with the Great Masters have honed body and mind into a perfect warrior.  While some monks go out into the world others remain home to continue the duties around the temples; protecting pilgrims from those who would ravage the realm.

This transmogrification comes from mostly quest reward in Nagrand (Warlords of Draenor) and leatherworking.  The set emulates somebody that you might find guarding the temples of one of the Celestials.  If you are not a leatherworker you may want to talk with a guild member who is for this set as some prices on the Auction House are astronomical.

Headcover of the Impatient (Quest Reward in Shado-Pan Monastery)
Beastrider Spaulders (Quest Reward in Nagrand)
Dark Iceborne Chestguard (Leatherworking)
Dark Iceborne Leggings (Leatherworking)
Beastrider Gauntlets (Quest Reward in Nagrand)
Warhide Belt (Leatherworking)
Beastrider Boots (Quest Reward in Nagrand)
Wolfsfur Greatcloak (Quest Reward in Frostfire Ridge)

No bracers are needed for this transmog

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Wolf of War [ Shaman ]

"The wolves answer my call for they are my brothers on the battlefield"

Shamans are noted for thier ferocity as well as their attunement with the natural, often times volitile, elements of which they serve.  Many shamanistic groups also revere animals as the epitome of being one with nature.  This feral looking shaman is no different as we take a break from the elemental look and go for a more animal look for the class.

The majority of this tranmogrification is the Dark Shaman gear found in Seige of Ogrimmar--which incidentally enough can be completed by youself or a buddy.  However, with the original collection the shoulders didn't look good...on anybody.  The shoulders have been changed to something more primal and brutal and should be something that you already have in your Transmogrification tab.

Kor'kron Dark Shaman Cowl (Dark Shamans - Seige of Ogrimmar)
Wildwood Wrangler Monnion (Quest Reward in Gorgrond)
Kor'kron Dark Shaman Vestment (Dark Shamans - Seige of Ogrimmar)
Kor'kron Dark Shaman Gloves (Dark Shamans - Seige of Ogrimmar)
Belt of the Blood Nova (Zone Drop - Heroic Icecrown Citadel)
Kor'kron Dark Shaman Kilt (Dark Shamans - Seige of Ogrimmar)

No bracers or footwear are needed for this transmog